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OMRON 61F-G_N Series Model
Floatless Level Switch (Compact Type)
61F-G_N Series

Improved Design for a More Lightweight. Construction and Reduced Standby Power, Consumption. Stan

     61F-G_N Series All models, Share 13 unit model
2、61F-G1N AC100/200
3、61F-G1N AC110/220
4、61F-G1N AC120/240
5、61F-G1ND AC110/220
6、61F-G1ND AC120/240
7、61F-G1NH AC110/220
8、61F-G1NH AC120/240
9、61F-G1NL AC110/220 2KM
10、61F-G1NL AC110/220 4KM
11、61F-G1NL AC120/240 2KM
12、61F-G1NL AC120/240 4KM
13、61F-G1NR AC110/220

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