Name: SYSMAC LINK Module.
Model: C200HW-SLK24.
Communications method: N: N token bus.
Transmission method: Manchester code, base band.
Transmission path: Bus.
Weight: 400 g max.Product name: NA-type CPU Units with 20 I/O Points (Built-inanalog).
Specifications: Power Supply, 100 to 240 VAC; Inputs,
12(Built-inanalog inputs: 2; Outputs, 8(Built-inanalog outputs: 1;
Output type: Relay
Program capacity: 8K steps.
memory Data capacity: 8K words.
External powersupply(24 VDC): 0 C200H-TV001.30A.
Current consumption: 5 V, 0.18A; 24 V,0.11A.
Standards: UC1, N, L, CE.
The CP1E Programmable Controller: Economical, Easy to use, and Efficient.
The E@@(S)-type Basic CPU Units provide cost,
performance and easy application with only basic functionality C200H-TV001.
The N@@(S@) and NA-types Application CPU Units,
support Programmable Terminal connection, position control,
and inverter connection.
Name: Heat/Cool Temperature Control Module.
Model: C200H-TV001.
Sensor: Thermocouple: R, S, K, J, T, E, B, N, L, U OMRON C200H-TV001.
Control output: Transistor output.Model : CV500-TDL21.
You can connect up to 64 at a temperature controller using two communication ports..Model: CPM2C-32EDT1C. Units with 32 I/O points
2 Fujitsu connectors.
Inputs: 16 inputs.
Outputs: 16 outputs.
Input type: 24 VDC OMRON C200H-TV001.
Output type: sourcing transistor.Name: Two-tier Screw Terminal Block.
Specifications: Inputs/Outputs;
8 inputs/8 outputs; PNP.
"Easy" and "Flexible" system expansion,
with linked CC-Link and CompoNet.
Branching is easily made with CompoNet.
Wiring material cost can be reduced OMRON C200H-TV001.
Bit-level I/O distribution reduces,
wiring in the system.
A wide variety of CompoNet Slave Units,
contribute to system size reduction.
Seven-segment Display on the Gateway Unit,
helps to detect errors on site.
The Participation Flags and Communications,
Error Flags can be checked at the Host,
Controller to detect the location and,
content of the error. CV500-VP CPU Bus Unit Personal Computer Unit Main Mem CV500-VP227.
8-MB memory; w/floating-point processor.I/O points: 256 pts.
Program capacity(words): 7.2 K.
DM capacity (words): 6 K.
RS-232C port: YES.Product name: Pulse I/O Module.
Specifications: Sinking outputs, MIL connector,
10 inputs (including four interrupt/quickresponse ,
inputs and two high-speed counter inputs)6 outputs ,
(including two pulse outputs and two PWM outputs).
Current consumption (A): 5V, 0.08; 24V,--.
Standards: UC1, N, L,CE.
CJ2M for basic machine automation C200H-TV001.
The CJ2M Series is ideal for packaging and general.
machine automation needs. Connectivity is assured.
thanks to the built-in USB port and the choice of.
Ethernet and RS-232C/422/485 interfaces on the CPU.