Name: Cam Positioner Module.
Model: C200H-CP114.
Output points: 48 points (16 external output points, 32 internal output points).
External outputs: NPN transistor open collector (withphoto-coupler insulation)
Switching capacity: 100 mA at 24 VDC Simultaneous OProtector for CPU Rack IOC or Expansion CPU Rack IOIF connector CV500-COV03
Product name: CS1 CPU Backplane CS1W-BC083.
Speecifications: For both CS/C200H-series Units,
Units cannot be mounted; 8 slots.
Appli cable CPU Unit: CS1 CPU Unit
Basic I/O Units: CS-series Basic I/O Unit,
Yes; C200H series Basic I/O Unit, Yes;
C200H Group-2 High density I/O Unit, Yes.
Special I/O Units: CS-series Special I/O Unit,
Yes; C200H series Special I/O Unit, Yes.
CPU Bus Units: CS-series CPU Bus Unit, Yes CS1W-BC083.
Current consumption: 5V system, 0.11A;
26 V system, --.
Standards: U, C, N, L, CE.
Multi-application Controllers:
From High-performance Machine C,
Highly Reliable Process Control. Model: CPM2C-20CDTM-D. CPU Unit: Units with 20 I/O points.
2 MIL connectors OMRON CS1W-BC083.
Inputs: 12 inputs.
Outputs: 8 outputs.
Input type: 24 VDC.
Output type: sinking transistor.
Internal clock: --.Unit classification: CJ1 Special I/O Units.
Product name: Temperature Control Units.
Specifications; No. of loops: 4 loops;
Temperature sensor inputs: Thermocouple,
input (R, S, K, J, T, B, L);
Control outputs: Open collector NPN outputs (pulses) OMRON CS1W-BC083.
No. of unit numbers allocated: 2.
Current consumption: 5V, 0.25A; 24V, --.
Standards: UC1, N, L, CE.
A Single Unit Performing All the Functions of,
4 Temperature Controllers OMRON CS1W-BC083.
A Special I/O Unit with direct input,
of thermocouple or resistance thermometer,
PID control with 2 degrees of freedom,
and open collector output. UM: 15.2K words.
DM: 6K words.
EM: 6K words.
Instruction processing time (basic instructions): 0.15 µ.s min.
No. of I/O points: 880 points.
Max. no.of con-necting Expansion I/O Racks: 2 Racks.
Max. no. of connecting High-density I/O Units(i.e., Group-2): Unavailable.
Max. no. of con-necting Special I/O Units: 10.
RS-232C: NO.Unit type: CS1 Basic I/O Units.
Product name: Triac Output Units.
Specifications: 250 VAC, 0.5 A max.
16 outputs.
Mountable Racks: CPU Rack, CS1W-BC,
@@3, Yes, @@2, Yes;
C200HX/HG/HE Expansion I/O Rack, No.
CS1 Expansion Rack, CS1W-BI,
@@3, Yes, @@2, Yes;
CS1 Long distance Expansion Rack, Yes;
SYSMAC BUS Slave Rack, No.
Words required: 1 word.
Current consumption: 5V system, 0 CS1W-BC083.23 max.
(0.07+0.02 ×number of ON points);
26 V system, --.
Standards: UC, N, L, CE.
Multi-application Controllers:
From High-performance Machine C,
Highly Reliable Process Control.