UM: 15.2K words.
DM: 6K words.
EM: 6K words.
Instruction processing time (basic instructions): 0.15 micro.s min.
No. of I/O points: 1, 184 points.
Max. no.of con-necting Expansion I/O Racks: 3 Racks.
Max. no. of connecting High-density I/O Units(i.e., Group-2): Unavailable.
Max. no. of con-necting Special I/O Units: 10 C200H-RT001-P.
RS-232C: NO.ASCII Unit
This program runs independently from the ladder-diagram program in the PLC
Name: ASCII Module.
Model: C200H-ASC02.
ASCII/BASIC Module Utility Software: For AT-compatible computers. enables program development, downloading, uploading, etc.C200H-CPU23-E CPUs
High Spec, Small Rack Style
The C200H-CPU21-E and C200H-CPU23-E controllers offer increased I/O capacity and the same basic functionality as the OEM versions C200H-RT001-P. In addition,
these controllers offer an extended instruction set,
these controllers offer an extended instruction set,
expansion. A variety of CPUs are available with various memory and I/O configurations allowing selection based on application requirements.I/O Slave Unit.
Number of words: 64Model: C200HW-COM03-V1.
Specifications: One RS-422/485 port C200H-RT001-P. Connects Power Supply Adapter and SYSMAC NET Link Unit.
For 1 Unit.For 8-slot Backplane.Model: C200H-B7AI1.
I/O points: 16 points or 15points and 1 error input
Weight: 200g max.UM: 31.2K words.
DM: 6K words.
EM: 6Kx3 banks(18K) words.
Instruction processing time (basic instructions): 0.1 µ.s min.
No. of I/O points: 1, 184 points.
Max. no.of con-necting Expansion I/O Racks: 3 Racks.
Max. no. of connecting High-density I/O Units(i.e., Group-2): Unavailable.
Max. no. of con-necting Special I/O Units: 10.
RS-232C: NO.Model: C200H-OD212.
No. of pointss: 16 pts C200H-RT001-P.
Specifications: 0.3 A, 24 VDC.UM: 31.2K words.
DM: 6K words.
EM: 6Kx3 banks(18K) words.
Instruction processing time (basic instructions): 0.1 µ.s min.
No. of I/O points: 880 points.
Max. no.of con-necting Expansion I/OO Racks: 2 Racks C200H-RT001-P.
Max. no. of connecting High-density I/O Units(i.e., Group-2): Unavailable.
Max. no. of con-necting Special I/O Units: 10.
RS-232C: NO.