C500-AD/3G2A5-AD Special I/O Unit Analog Input C500-AD005(3G2A5-AD005).
Input: 2 pts.
Model: C500-CE243.
Connection : Pressure welded.
FCN-367J024-AU/FC500-ID I/O Unit DC Input 32 pts C500-ID215(3G2A5-ID215).
DC12-24V 10mA.I/O capacity: 1, 024 pts (4, 096 max. with remote I/O).
Execution time: Basic: 0.125 µs min.Special: 0.5 µs min.
NO. OF I/O SLOTS: 5 SLOTSDue to the use of the SYSNET link unit,
Making the N:N maximum capable of connecting 126 sets of PC communications becomes possible,
High speed long distance optical cable C500-AD005(3G2A5-AD005)
C500-AD005(3G2A5-AD005) C500-ID I/O Unit DC Input 32 pts C500-ID218CN(3G2A5-ID218CN).
DC12-24V 10mA.CV500-MC Special I/O Unit Motion Control Servo Control 2 axis CV500-MC221.CV500-RM SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Master Unit Wired CV500-RM221.
Wire Type.I/O Interface UnitFeeding unit while the SYSMAC LINK Unit 2
If you need to C500-AD005(3G2A5-AD005). Model : CV500-CIF21.
When connected to form C500-NC222.Model: C500-CN331.
Cable length: 30 m.
Programming Console Connecting Cable.
For extension and connection of FIT of FIT.
I/O Interface UnitModel : CV500-CN232.
Cable I / O connection.
20m cable length.C500-AD/3G2A5-AD Special I/O Unit Analog Input C500-AD006(3G2A5-AD006) C500-AD005(3G2A5-AD005).
Input: 4 pts.
Specification: +1~+5V、4~20mA.Model : CVM1D-BC051.
5-slot.Available on either 3.5” or 5.25” floppy disks.C500-OD I/O Unit Transistor Output 32 pts C500-OD414(3G2A5-OD414).
DC12~48V 0.3A.C500-NC Special I/O Unit Position Control For pulse motors 2 axes C500-NC222C500-OC I/O Unit Transistor Output 16 pts C500-OC223(3G2A5-OC223).
AC250/DC24V 2A.I/O Control UnitCV500-SL CPU Bus Unit for Com SYSMAC LINK Unit SYSMAC LINK Unit (optical) CV500-SLK11.I/O Cable (for I/O to Interface Racks) 0.3 m (L) CV500-CN312Model: C500F-CPUA1-V1(3G2C3-CPUA1-V1).
C500F-CP CPU Programmable Controller C5000F-CPUA1-V1 C500-AD005(3G2A5-AD005). Model : CVM1-CPU21-V2.
Ladder only 2, 048 (with RAM62K word, higher internal link).I/O Cable (for Rack I/O to Backplane) 0.4 m (L) CV500-CN413I/O capacity: 512 pts (2, 048 max. with remote I/O).
Execution time:: Basic: 0 C500-AD005(3G2A5-AD005). 15 µs min.Special: 0.6 µs min.
Model : C500-LDP01-V1.
Has 40 instructions (same as a C20P.) Input and output points (16 each.).