UM: 31.2K words.
DM: 6K words.
EM: 6Kx3 banks(18K) words.
Instruction processing time (basic instructions): 0.1 µ.s min.
No. of I/O points: 880 points.
Max. no.of con-necting Expansion I/O Racks: 2 Racks.
Max. no. of connecting High-density I/O Units(i.e., Group-2): Unavailable.
Max. no. of con-necting Special I/O Units: 10.
Name: Position Control Module.
Model: C200HW-NC413.
Control method: Open-loop, automatic trapezoid acceleration/deceleration.
Control output sig-nals: Pulse-train outputs.
Controlled axes: 4.UM: 3.2K words.
DM: 4K words.
EM: --.
Instruction processing time (basic instructions): 0.3 µ.s min.
No. of I/O points: 640 points C200HX-CPU44-E.
Max. no.of con-necting Expansion I/O Racks: 2 Racks.
C200HX-CPU44-E no. of connecting High-density I/O Units(i.e., Group-2): Unavailable.
Max. no. of con-necting Special I/O Units: 10.
RS-232C: NO.Model: C200H-TS002.
Temperature sensor: Thermocou-ples: K (CA)/L (Fe-CuNi)(DIN)(selectable)
Input points: 4 points/Unit max. (1, 2, or 4 points can be selected)Model: C200H-MR831.
Description: RAM, 8K words, battery back-up C200HX-CPU44-E. no clock.A memory card suitable for Phoenix PCM+3.2 and one of thefollowing Bus Connection Units is required. No PC card is provided with the Unit.UM: 15.2K words.
DM: 6K words.
EM: 6K words.
Instruction processing time (basic instructions): 0.15 micro.s min.
No. of I/O points: 1, 184 points.
Max. no.of con-necting Expansion I/O Racks: 3 Racks.
Max. no C200HX-CPU44-E. of connecting High-density I/O Units(i.e., Group-2): Unavailable.
Max. no. of con-necting Special I/O Units: 10.
RS-232C: NO.Provided with a 2-m cable for ladder programming.Model: C200H-ID111.
No. of points: 64 pts.
Specifications: 12VDC.
Weight: 250g max.Model: C200H-B7A22.
I/O points: 32 output points and 32 input points or 30 input points + 2 error
Weight: 300g max.Name: Space Module.
Model: C200HW-CLK21.
Space Module: For I/O Module slots.24 VDC.Connect PC/AT IBM or compatible machine, as LINK SYSMAC systeem node C200HX-CPU44-E. Used for data input and process value display for the C200H-TC---, C200H-TV---, C200H-CP114, and C200H-PID0-.Model: C200H-IM212.
No. of inputs: 16 pts.
Input voltage: 24 VAC/DC, +10%/–15%.
Input current: 7mA, 24VDC.
Isolatioon: Photo-coupler C200HX-CPU44-E.
Indica-tor: LED.
External connec-tions: Remove-able termi-nal blocks.
Inputs percom-mon: 16 pts.
Internal currentcon-sump-tion: 10mA